Sunday, March 12, 2017



A good RC trainer needs to be super stable,self-correcting, and capable of maintaining flight at slow speeds.
1. Stability
 Stable meaning it needs to fly level and straight. Flat bottom airfoils are less aerobatic and therefore easier to fly. Airfoils that are semi-symmetrical tend to be more aerobatic and more challenging to fly. Wing position is critical on how the plane reacts in flight. Trainers typically have top mounted wings,(mounted over the top of the fuselage) there is a reason ! Here's why ! The total weight of the fuselage hangs below the wing enhancing stability. Wings mounted below the fuselage carry the entire weight of the fuselage on top of its wing, any slight imbalance tends to want to make the plane flip over.
2. Self Correcting
Good R/C Trainers for Beginners will correct themselves back to level and straight flight. Say a beginner panics in a turn or while banking the airplane and lets go of the controller sticks, the plane will correct itself. This is accomplished by a characteristic called dihedral. The dihedral in the wing angles upward from horizontal to maintain straight and level flight.
3. Maintaining Flight at Slow Speeds
The overall lift of the wing is affected by the type of airfoil. A good trainer should have plenty of lift, allowing the airplane to fly at slow speeds, while giving pilots the opportunity to learn the flight mechanics, and give them more time to react. Flat bottom wings are critical in accomplishing this. The minimum speed an airplane can fly without falling out of the sky is called stall speed.
Flat Bottom Airfoils
With a flat bottom wing, air passing over the wing travels farther than the air flowing under the wing, creating more lift than a symmetrical wing, allowing the airplane to fly at slower speeds, therefore giving the novice pilot ample time to react.
Semi Symmetrical Airfoils
Airplanes with semi-symmetrical airfoils will provide a much more aerobatic plane. Basically a step up from a standard trainer. Semi symmetrical airfoils provide less lift, and subsequently are not capable of maintaining slow speeds before stalling. Unless you have a club member or experienced pilot that can assist you, or you feel like you will can learn to fly quickly, then go ahead and choose an airplane with a semi-symmetrical airfoil. If you feel like you would rather play it safe and want a plane that is easy to learn on choose a model with a flat bottom airfoil.
Landing Gear
To keep the plane on the runway ground handling is extremely important especially during takeoff and landing. It can be a challenge for beginners, takes some time and practice to achieve. The steerable nose gear is less sensitive to control inputs to the rudder than tail draggers. For that reason the vast  majority of trainers are controlled by a tricycle landing gear allowing the steering to be controlled by the nose wheel.

2 of the Top 3 rated RC Trainers for Beginners

R/C Trainers For Beginners
Apprentice S 15e Trainer

Apprentice S 15e 
The S 15e arrives with all the electronics pre-installed from the factory. There is approximately 1 hr of assembly time on tail and wing sections. The RTF model is equipped with SAFE Technology. (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope). If  this is your first attempt a flying it would be a good idea to try and find an instructor at a local club or flying site to assist you. This advanced technology adds some security, assists the pilot in handling windy conditions with its smooth flight characteristics due in large part to its 59" wingspan which is also easier to see at distance.  There are three levels of flight offered, beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
Several levels of flight protection can be added or removed as your skill level increases, but the panic button is always there to return the plane to level flight when warranted. As your skill level increases the model is capable of performing mild aerobatics such as rolls, loops and inverted flight.

Flight Simulators          
Another option for beginners is a Real Flight Simulator which features a wide variety of the popular models on the market today that you can learn to fly.  I personally learned to fly several of the models I owned on a simulator. Extremely helpful especially when learning how to land. Great for seasoned pilots as well, numerous  helicopters, planes, jets, and large scale aircraft to choose from. The video below  gives a nice visual inside the Real Flight simulator which is also available for purchase on our website at

                                                                   Sport Cub S
Sport Cub S Trainer
                                                                                            Another popular model for beginners is the Sport Cub S. Designed to make flying simple and fun for novice pilots. Learn to fly at your own pace with this scaled down version of the full scale cub. Several levels of flight protection can be added as your skill level increases.  The Sport Cub S also features SAFE Technology. Learn the basics of flying, enhance your confidence and skills with 3 different flight modes, and return to neutral flight with a simple trigger in panic recovery mode. 4 channel control includes rudder, elevator, ailerons, and throttle, with an aileron steerable tail gear. To achieve the best performance from the Sport Cub S and its lightweight design mild winds are recommended. Beginner mode is recommended for take-off and landing, as your skill level increases you can advance to the next level.

Both of these R/C Trainers for Beginners  are featured in more detail on our website, for more information visit our online store at


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